Once More Into the Breach

Finding Nonsense and Beating it Sensible

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Location: Virginia

I used to watch TV news and yell at the box. Now I jump up from the couch, sit at the computer and begin to type laughing maniacally saying "Wait until they read this." It's more fun than squashing tadpoles

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Giuliani is Just Another Liberal

Anyone who has any doubts about Giuliani's weakness on the US Constitution should listen to this video over at Blogonomicon. This antipathy toward the Second Amendment plus being pro abortion and pro Gay marriage and one has to ask "What liberal part of Giuliani can a conservative swallow?" Right now there is no credible conservative candidate for president. Thankfully there is still plenty of time. Yes he did a fine job after 9/11 but is that all we need for president? Certainly respect for the rights of the citizens protected by the Constitution should be right up there at the top of requirements.


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Tucker on Ice

The past couple of weeks here in Virginia have been difficult because of the lingering ice. Even in February if we get snow it melts by the second day. This time however it came like an old drinking buddy from school that stops in to visit unannounced. It's nice to see him, but the longer he stays the more one wishes he would leave. As one would expect, our hay supply was dwindling and something had to be done in spite of the driveway and barnyard being buried under what seemed to be a growing glacier if ice.

We scheduled delivery of 350 bales with a farmer in Ohio. I was skeptical about why he needed to come all the way to Virginia to sell his hay, but our friend in Ohio had bought some and assured us it was nice stuff. Each day that passed we hoped the weather would break so the drive would clear. Each day the ice got worse. Finally we had to make provision for the conditions because the man was on his way. I hooked up the big trailer to go to the neighbor's to borrow his hay elevator because there was no way that the hay guy was going to get close enough to unload directly from the truck. Mary hooked up the harrow to the tractor in hopes that it would break up the ice just a little. The plan was to work on the drive while I was picking up the equipment. Tucker, our Big White Dog, had other plans.

We have been giving Tucker some freedom to go outside the fence. It has made him less inclined to want to escape for a run down to the road. This day however was too critical for him to leave well enough alone. As soon as I went through the gate so did he. Mary tried to scold him while I tried to capture him only to further increase his determination to not do as we wished. Instead of just going back in he started for the road. I got in the truck and went after him trailer in tow. At the end of the drive he didn't even hesitate. He went trough the neighbor's fence. No way I could chase him so I just went to pick up the elevator. Mary made some divots in the driveway but the ice was too hard to really have any effect.

Meanwhile Tucker was adding to his social contacts. Across from the farm in front of us are some houses on five acre lots. Out front of one were two young girls about 13 or 14 years old riding their sleds down the icy bank near their house. As they were about to go down for another ride their mother called out to them to look behind them. There, standing over them was the Big White Dog. They told us when we got there that they thought it was a wolf. How they overcame their fear and captured him I didn't ask. But there they were with Tucker on a leash quietly waiting for his ride home. Soon everyone in Calverton will know the Big White Dog.
BTW. The hay guy came the next day and all went better than expected. He thought we were having a heat wave compared to what he had left in Ohio. The ice was no big deal for him. The hay was nice too.


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Friday, February 16, 2007

Tom Davis RINO

Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia has his sights on the governor's mansion. His recent vote in favor of the resolution to oppose the troop surge in Iraq has ended any support he may have received from me. It is weenie Republicans such as Mr. Davis and Sen. John Warner that drove me from the party several years ago. It was frustrating to see elected Republicans actively undermined by the "big tent " Republicans who have consistently delivered victories to the Democrats while back stabbing the conservatives that brought the party into the majority for the first time in forty years. Tom Davis has played into the hands of the same people who betrayed the South Vietnamese when Congress voted to cut funds to that country in spite of the promises to stand behind them if the North ever invaded again. The problem this time is our own troops will have Congress pull the rug out from underneath them. Say what you will I do not see how this vote can be considered patriotic.


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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Is It Bank of America or Americas

Don't ask me to take any Bank of America cards anymore.

Bank of America Corp. has begun offering credit cards to customers without Social Security numbers, typically illegal immigrants, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday...

... The new Bank of America card is open to people who lack both a Social Security number and a credit history, as long as they have held a checking account with the bank for three months without an overdraft, the Journal said.

I had to give a SS number when I opened an account so the IRS could keep track of me. I guess they are extending the illegal immigrants some benefits I do not receive.


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Chinese Star War

Translating into or from Chinese is always a tricky proposition but to translate English into Chinese and then from Chinese back into English could be a disaster. For an example, Jeremy @ winterson.com bought a bootleg copy of The Revenge of the Sith or as its translated title reads, Backstroke of the West. Check out the screen caps with the English sub titles. Here is one example:

You have to see the rest here.

Or check out the signs and labels at Tony Wheeler's blog.


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Monday, February 12, 2007

Czech President Calls Global Warming What It IS

Czech president Vaclav Klaus, in an interview with "Hospodárské noviny", a Czech economics daily, has put the issue of global warming into perspective in a concise manner.

Environmentalism as a metaphysical ideology and as a worldview has absolutely nothing to do with natural sciences or with the climate. Sadly, it has nothing to do with social sciences either. Still, it is becoming fashionable and this fact scares me. The second part of the sentence should be: we also have lots of reports, studies, and books of climatologists whose conclusions are diametrally opposite. Indeed, I never measure the thickness of ice in Antarctica. I really don't know how to do it and don't plan to learn it. However, as a scientifically oriented person, I know how to read science reports about these questions, for example about ice in Antarctica. I don't have to be a climate scientist myself to read them. And inside the papers I have read, the conclusions we may see in the media simply don't appear. But let me promise you something: this topic troubles me which is why I started to write an article about it last Christmas. The article expanded and became a book. In a couple of months, it will be published. One chapter out of seven will organize my opinions about the climate change. Environmentalism and green ideology is something very different from climate science. Various findings and screams of scientists are abused by this ideology.

Read more at the Drudge report.


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Friday, February 09, 2007

"Speak English" Sign is Discriminatory

Why is representing the interests of the citizens of this nation such a difficult concept for elected officials? Take for example the travails of Joey Vento, owner of Geno's philly cheesesteaak stand in Philadelphia, PA.

The Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations notified Geno's owner Joey Vento this week that it had found probable cause that his sign urging patrons to order in English is discriminatory. The next step is to schedule a hearing to settle the dispute or to escalate the charges against the owner of the South Philadelphia sandwich stand.

In spite of the sign Mr, Vento never denied service to anyone, but that is not important to the
Human Relations Nazis. Their function in life seems to be to be permanently offended. It is a shame that the time honored tradition of tar and feathering has passed into disuse.

Moonbattery has been chronicling this situation since June. See:
One Small Step Toward the Tower of Babel
Anti-"English Only" Baloney
More Anti-"English Only" Baloney


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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Barry aims for gun-ban hiatus

The nation's capitol has had a gun ban for thirty years. During that time the crime and murder rate have become an embarrassment. The former mayor and current member of the city council, Marion Barry is as clueless about what to do about the violence now as he was as mayor. He has introduced a bill to give the citizens ninety days to register the handguns they now own illegally and then the ban will go back into effect, or non effect if you will. The penalties for owning an unregistered gun will go up dramatically. To Councilman Barry's credit, he is not the only clueless member of the council. In fact he has many co-sponsors. The great tragedy however is the members who both support and oppose the bill do so for reasons as clueless as the bill itself.

The failures of this bill are many. Philosophically, why would those who register their guns now be given a right that future citizens could not enjoy? The crime statistics imply that the criminals are not in fear of being disarmed so how would this law change that? Most critical however, is the very real possibility that when it is discovered that the law would have no effect on crime, the city council could just take the list of those with registered guns and have the police confiscate them by passing a new law giving the city the power to do so. Then those who risked the current ban to protect themselves will have lost even that protection after having come back into compliance through this amnesty bill. Remarkably none of the council members who object to this bill raise any of these concerns.

"The intent is right, to deal with gun violence," Mr. Mendelson said. "The amnesty thing, I think, goes against the need to reduce the number of guns in our city." He said the bill would likely be considered during the course of a larger hearing on gun violence.

Gee, I thought the problem was criminals not guns, but that's just me.

One has to wonder how citizens who have no criminal record holding permits for registered guns are contributing to the problem. Never does the concept that these people are armed because the city cannot or will not protect them. The grim reality is the police of any jurisdiction can only apprehend a criminal after he has committed a crime. They have little if any ability to prevent crime. That leaves the individual to defend himself. Hard to do when the city takes the tools necessary for the job out of the citizen's hands.

When thirty years of something does not bring about the desired results, more of the same will most likely deliver more disappointment. A lesson that politicians at all levels of government seem never to learn..

Seen at the ninth edition of the Second Amendment Carnival


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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Rudi's Run is Already Toast

So why would a conservative support Giuliani?

In an interview last night with commentator Sean Hannity on Fox News Channel, Giuliani sought to play down his differences with conservatives by pointing to his record of shrinking government, reducing taxes and fighting crime in New York and to his commitment to staying on "offense" against terrorists.

Giuliani restated his support for abortion rights and gay rights but said he believes marriage should remain a union between a man and a woman. He also defended his support for tough gun-control laws in New York, saying they helped reduce crime in the city while he was mayor.

Sorry Rudi, I can get the same nonsense from any Democrat. That is why his candidacy for the nomination is toast.



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Absurdity Reigns in the Immigration Debate

It is hard to find nonsense as deep as the drivel offered to justify illegal immigration. Yesterday in Richmond, VA was the end of a protest event that focused on the 50 various bills moving through the legislature dealing with illegal immigration. Such groups as "Mexicanos Sin Fronteras" or Mexicans Without Borders were appalled that students who were not legal citizens would not receive in state tuition rates for collage, the same restriction American citizens are denied if they do not live in Virginia.

Then we have the Real ID act that is becoming the national ID card. This project, which forces the citizens to provide the government with proof of their identity, threatens to severely impact our ability to move about freely while doing nothing to stop the flow of illegals across our border. There is already a huge underground market in false documents. This piece of legislation will only increase the value of such an endeavor. The cost? $11 Billion, or 5 times the cost of building the 700 miles of fence that the politicians say is too expensive.

The most absurd situation however is the zealous prosecution of law enforcement officers such as Edwards County Deputy Sheriff Guillermo F. Hernandez who is facing sentencing for having fired his weapon at a vehicle that was used by illegal immigrants to try and run him down.

Rep. Ted Poe, Texas Republican, called the prosecution and conviction of Hernandez, known to his friends as "Gilmer," "another example of how the federal government is more concerned about people [who are] illegally invading America than it is about the men who protect America."
It appears to me that the thing to do is join the theater of the absurd and loose all my documents and become illegal. The government then would be working for my interests rather than against them.


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Monday, February 05, 2007

McCain Blasts Senate Resolution

I've never been very impressed by John McCain, I fact I think he's wacky. The rest of the Senate is no better which is particularly irksome because it makes McCain seem credible in comparison. In light of all this I grind my teeth when I admit that on the issue of the anti war resolution being pushed in the senate I have to agree with McCain's condemnation of the resolution as intellectually dishonest.

Not that I think McCain really supports the mission or has any real alternative, but what he is saying is right. The Senate, particularly Sen. Warner are just pretending to want to do something. The real problem is they are simply meddling. This is evidenced by the many members who before the election where criticizing the President for not having enough troops in Iraq then when he sends more troops they complain he is escalating the war. The Democrats and Rinos act like the Palestinians in how they are never satisfied by any move to work with them and ascribe all manner of evil to the actions of their opponents even as their opponents do what they have requested. As for McCain, he is merely being contrarian to the contrarians to make a distinction. I don't for one minute believe he is sincere


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Friday, February 02, 2007

Washington Post Calls Troops Mercenaries

The left having been emboldened by the recent election have shed their feigned patriotism and are venting their bile over the use of the military for any reason. For example in the Washington Post comes columnist William Arkin who is complaining that our troops in the field are distressed by the negative comments by the political leadership back home. Mr. Arkin seems to think that American's are all in agreement with the foul nonsense the Democrats and RINO's are pushing by their stupid resolutions against financing the war. If anyone doubts the ignorance of Mr. Arkin they need only read this one paragraph.

So, we pay the soldiers a decent wage, take care of their families, provide them with housing and medical care and vast social support systems and ship obscene amenities into the war zone for them, we support them in every possible way, and their attitude is that we should in addition roll over and play dead, defer to the military and the generals and let them fight their war, and give up our rights and responsibilities to speak up because they are above society?

A decent wage? Take care of their families? Obscene amenities? When was the last time this moron took his head out of the nether regions of his anatomy? One need only go to America Supports You to see the vast number of private organizations that were created to fill the gaps in the "vast support system" he claims is provided for our service people.

The problem Mr. Arkin has is he cannot spew his anti war goofiness without being criticized for what he is. These leftist nit wits just can't stand to be called what they are. They are self absorbed, bed wetting, tyrants who would gladly run everyone else's lives because they think you and I are too stupid to know how to do it ourselves. This is why they hate America, because we are free to ignore them or revile them as we choose.


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