Illegal Immigratiom, Popular Culture and the Senate

Now I read in The Washington Times that a march on Washington is planned for May 19. Napoleon said when your enemy is making a mistake, don't interrupt him. Already the legal immigrants are beginning to feel this is going too far. They anticipate a backlash that may result in curtailment of legal immigration, or a general mistrust of foreigners. It may be too early for such concerns since the US Senate is still stuck on stupid when it comes to this issue. Sen. Frist is still musing on how to bring all the illegals out of hiding. The answer to that question is so cryptically simple he will never stumble on it. Simply enforcing the laws we now have and stopping catch and release would go a long way to doing just that.
Continued talk of amnesty is fueling an increase in attempts to enter the country illegally. It's the build it and they will come syndrome yet congress is blind to it. A brick to the head might awaken them from their stupor, but I'll have to be satisfied with a brick in the mail.
immigration politics Economics
|How many illegals do they think are here? What's 4.7 percent(our un-employment rate) of 290 million? Interesting coincidence isn't it.
Sour the milk, let 'em buy their own ticket home.
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