Teacher also Candidate For Office Shows Political Film to Class

Limestone County Superintendent Barry Carroll said Thursday that he talked with West Limestone High School teacher Steve White about showing the film.
"It's a personnel matter, and it's been handled," Carroll said. "Both I and Principal Stan Davis discussed the matter with him. He's not on suspension or anything like that."
Carroll would not specify how he handled it.
White has qualified to run for District 4 state representative, which includes portions of Limestone and Morgan counties.
It's bad enough that we have liberal kooks feeling it is their duty to indoctrinate our children, but add to that a candidate for political office using the classroom to gain influence and little if anything done about it. The Superintendent's assurances that the matter has been handled without giving details gives parents little confidence that this will not happen again. Teachers who merely display religious items such as bibles have been threatened with disciplinary action but it seems to be OK for political candidates to present their political opinions to a captive audience. I suspect this is not the last we have heard of Mr. White.
Update, This was a science class. One can only wonder what scientific properties were being explored.
Update II: Rymes With Right Dems Distace Party From Teacher/Candidate
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