San Francisco Passes Anti Catholic Resolution

San Francisco's Board of Supervisors have come unhinged. Not that they were swinging normal to start with, but they have abandoned even the pretense of membership to American society. One expects the usual anti military greenie weenie silliness that has become a staple of the landscape. Increasingly it has become the front on the effort to normalize and indoctrinate homosexuality. The most glaring expression of this is the outright hatred and hostility toward the Christian Church.
Last week the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution condemning a rally of young people by a Christian organization. They called it an "'act of provocation' by an 'anti-gay,' 'anti-choice' organization that aimed to 'negatively influence the politics of America's most tolerant and progressive city.'" Not satisfied with that, they have now condemned the Catholic Church for not violating their conscience and continuing their long time practice of placing adoptions because the city requires they adopt out children to Gay "couples."
The resolution alludes to the Vatican as a foreign country meddling in the affairs of the city and describes the church's moral teaching and beliefs as "insulting to all San Franciscans ," "hateful," "insulting and callous," "defamatory," "absolutely unacceptable," "insensitive and ignorant."
The resolution calls on the local archbishop to "defy" the church's teachings and describes Cardinal William Joseph Levada, the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is responsible for safeguarding the doctrine on the faith and morals of the church throughout the Catholic world, as "unqualified" to lead.
This action prompted a quick reaction from the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. The Political leaders of San Francisco seem to have trouble with the First Amendment when it is applied to others besides themselves.
Robert Muise, the Law Center attorney handling the case, argued the Constitution "forbids hostility toward any religion."
"In total disregard for the Constitution, homosexual activists in positions of authority in San Francisco are abusing their authority as government officials and misusing the instruments of government to attack the Catholic Church," he said. "This egregious abuse of power is an outrage and a clear violation of the First Amendment."
The City of San Francisco's Leadership is seeking to place an ideological wall around themselves at the same time they dismiss their critics as being intolerant. I have long ago stopped expecting the left to be consistent or even tolerant. They want not only to pursue their libertine lifestyles, but they want to be assured that everyone will not only celebrate their proclivities, but relieve them of the consequences of their activities. They want to be left alone while at the same time shove their opinions in everyone's face. They hate the Church because it still holds to the concept of normal and perverse. They won't live and let live so it looks like we're in for a fight.
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