Delay and the Double Standard

Joe Biden, Plagiarism
Leahy, Left the Intelligence committee because he was guilty of leaking classified information.
Pick a Clinton and pick the scandal.
Ted Kennedy, Kopechne
These are just the obvious that I can pull off the top of my head. I invite comments to add to the list. This is not to say that Republicans should enjoy the freedom from repercussions that the Democrats frequently do, but rather point out one of the manifold hypocritical practices of the left and their allies in the press.
|>>....Pick a Clinton and pick the scandal...<
I'm mellowing on Clinton just a tad. I mean if he had done the right thing and resigned instead of fighting the impeachement thing then AlGore would have been the incumbant President and given the closeness of the GWB first election ALGore would probably have won.... and been President on 9/11 and every day thereafter... which goes back to the old be careful what you wish for thing..... like if the impeachement had been succesful and then you would have had the same scenario.... Oh ick ick!
I think I've pretty well convinced myself we shoud all just throw ourselves down and beg for mercy we dont even come close to deserving.
Let us not fail to remember the honorable Senator from the Klan, Robert Byrd. Or Bahgdad Bob McDermott, the eavesdropper. Or the geriatric prodigy of bovine economics, Hillary Clinton.
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