Once More Into the Breach

Finding Nonsense and Beating it Sensible

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Location: Virginia

I used to watch TV news and yell at the box. Now I jump up from the couch, sit at the computer and begin to type laughing maniacally saying "Wait until they read this." It's more fun than squashing tadpoles

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Delegate Bob Marshall Announcement for US Senate

I can't express my enthusiasm enough for a candidate such as Bob Marshall. I have known him since his first term in the Virginia House of Delegates. He is remarkable in his unwavering commitment to his principles. When I found out tonight that he was seeking the nomination to run for the US Senate I did not hesitate to sign on. Here is a transcript of his announcement:

Today I am announcing my candidacy for the United States Senate. Over the past two and a half months Virginia citizens and Republican Party officials have asked me to consider running because they want someone who will represent their views and values, a candidate who is not afraid to articulate these values and who will stand on principle. What are the banners Virginians want held high?

* Protecting the right to life of all children from conception; and protecting the right to defend one's life;
* Defending "liberty and justice for all"
* Understanding that taxpaying citizens are not bottomless ATM machines for government;
* Empowering states to deal with illegal immigration;
* Keeping the focus of American capital and jobs here at home and not overseas;
* Refusing to sell military technology to foreign nations just to reduce our trade imbalance;
* Attacking the federal debt that puts American citizens at the mercy of foreign bankers and politicians;
* Honoring America's sovereignty by avoiding backdoor executive agreements;
* Empowering parents to direct their children's schooling and health care;
* Ensuring that every person is judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin;
* Recognizing that American and Allied troops have won the war and Iraqis must now win the peace;
* Aggressively achieving energy independence for the United States;
* Increasing private sector jobs, not government bureaucracy;
* Restoring respect for marriage and the traditional family;
* Preserving the gift of our world's natural resources for our posterity;
* Making government procedures transparent and holding leaders accountable to the public;
* Rejecting campaign reforms that favor millionaires over all other citizens.

I know that our rights come from the hand of our Creator, that government derives its just powers from the people expressed through their elected representatives, that the purpose of government is to protect our rights, and that government leaders must be the peoples servants, not their masters.

My desire to protect every human life, to promote individual freedom and responsibility, and to seek the common good are the reason why I entered public service 16 years ago and why I am running today. Experience has shown that the best means to secure our rights and limit government power are the institutions of private property, churches, private charities, and the family, with elected officials answerable and accountable to the public.

If Republican candidates can articulate and fight to restore these ideas, which have drawn so many to participate in the public process, then we will again succeed at the ballot box.

Virginia is the seedbed of the American Experiment, and it can be a field of hope for restoring the American Republic.

The undying example of our nation's Founders, and their unyielding sacrifice, should be our guiding star. Their clear thinking held that rights that proceed, in the words of the Declaration of Independence, from Nature and Nature's God. This creed should thrive in the heart of anyone seeking public service.

And because they thrive in my heart, I ask the voters of Virginia, I ask you to consider making me your choice for the United States Senate. Thank you.

Contact: Marshall for Senate, Inc. PO Box 458, Manassas, VA 20108, home 703-368-6306,

cell 703-895-8423, web: www.bobmarshall2008.com and bob@bobmarshall2008.com,

Paid for by the Marshall for Senate, Inc. Committee


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