Mass. Governor Signs Mandatory Health Insurance Bill

By July 2007, everyone in Massachusetts will have to have health insurance.
Under the plan, the state will offer free or heavily subsidized coverage to poor and lower-income people.
Those who can afford insurance but still refuse to get it will face escalating tax penalties. For example, they will lose the ability to claim a personal exemption on their state tax returns. That would cost an individual about $189 and a couple filing jointly about $378.
Call it what you want it's public health care and the money must come from somewhere. The insurance companies are not going to lose money, the subsidies will grow untill a cap is placed on premiumns. Then the companies will cease doing business in the state and the state will have to fill the gap. If a simple plan such as this would work, it would have been tried already.
See also Massachusetts Waves the Magic Wand on Health Care
The Blogometer
|Well I guesss there are at lease two ways to look at this.
One the one hand everyone will have health insurance, the downside being that they will all be qued at the door of the sole doctor practicing in the state. On the other hand we may be seeing a *very* subtle ruse to reverse the population losses suffered by Mass, in recent years - people have been leaving for a variety of reasons - now theyll have a superficially good one to move back to Mass......
Speakin' of the French, if the peasants have no bread make it mandatory that they buy some!
While we're at it let's require employers to insure their illegals. Reckon that'd dry up the northward flow.
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