Once More Into the Breach

Finding Nonsense and Beating it Sensible

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Day 29 Forty Day ‘Pray for Iran’ Campaign.

Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?" John 20:15

One of the most remarkable things about Jesus is the love and respect he showed to women. After His resurrection He first appeared to Mary Magdalene and called her by name, and so today we want to pray that women in Iran will also know how much Christ loves and honours them.

God has blessed the women in Iran with many gifts and talents. A high percentage of Iranian women are literate and more than half of university students are female, showing that Iranian women desire education and personal development. Iranian women are also often praised for their hospitality and deep commitment to their families. However, while many young ladies grow up with a real zeal for life, their passion is often soon quenched as they face up to the realities of living as a woman under Iran's law and practice.

In family law, women do not have the same rights as men when it comes to marriage, divorce, child custody and inheritance. In employment law, women are prohibited from entering certain careers, and when it comes to criminal cases, women do not enjoy the same legal safeguards as men. A man’s testimony is worth twice that of a woman’s, and women are entitled to only half the compensation that men receive.

On the social front, women are not allowed to participate in some entertainment and sports activities. Recently there was uproar because the Supreme Ruler ruled that it is not Islamic for women to attend soccer matches. This includes all non-Muslim women also. Also, after the revolution it became mandatory for all women to wear a head covering from the age of nine.

As a result of all this, many Iranian women have become activists seeking equal rights. The most famous was the prominent Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi, who received the Nobel peace prize in 2003 for her struggle to implement human rights for Iranian women and children.

Let us pray that women in Iran will experience the true liberty that only Christ can bring.

* Pray that discriminations against Iranian women will be overcome. Pray also for those suffering through domestic violence and the drug addiction of fathers and husbands which have lead and dramatically increased depression, running away from home, prostitution and suicide among women.
* Pray for female Christian workers ministering among women, that they will have wisdom to introduce Jesus Christ to women in all parts of society. Pray that the women in Iran would come to realize their true value, the way God sees them, and will know how to walk accordingly. Pray that older women and mothers would be excellent role models for younger women and their own children.
* Pray that women of excellence would be recognized, honoured and appreciated by society. Pray also that their many gifts and talents would be used to bring love, joy, peace and harmony in their own homes and community as well.

We are so grateful for your prayers.