Once More Into the Breach

Finding Nonsense and Beating it Sensible

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Location: Virginia

I used to watch TV news and yell at the box. Now I jump up from the couch, sit at the computer and begin to type laughing maniacally saying "Wait until they read this." It's more fun than squashing tadpoles

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Monday, June 19, 2006

Global Week Prayer for North Korea

God is not surprised by the events on earth, but he has required His people to ask for His help and Intervention. As North Korea rattles the sword we must seek God's will and pray ready to step into the fray if necessary. This is why I want to highlight the efforts of Christians throughout the world to solicit the prayers of others for the troubles in their part of the world. A fatalistic attitude that the world will get worse as we approach the return of Christ is not proper in light of scripture. The Spirit in the Church is here to extend the Kingdom not sit back and wait for the end.. He wants to bring all his children back and will not leave any behind. It is our job to tell the them to get ready.

Pray for North Korea
Please Pray:
- That the state enforced idolatry of North Korea' leaders which is imposed throughout the
country will be broken.
- That the leaders, especially Kim Jong Il, will be convicted and converted.
- That there will be true religious freedom and that the True God who really reigns in the
heavens will be proclaimed as God.
- That all would freely hear and receive the good news of Jesus.
- For God to uphold those believers who follow Christ so wholeheartedly in such a spiritually
hostile environment.
- For all those Christians detained for their faith and subject to inhumane treatment, appalling
conditions and horrific abuse.
- For those who are undergoing torture and interrogation at the moment.
- For those facing execution for their faith.
- For family members who are incarcerated.
- That God would be with believers in the fiery furnace as he was with Shadrach, Meshach and
- For the secret believers in North Korea to grow in their faith and be shielded from those who
would persecute them.
- For the growth of the church and the spread of the gospel, even in this harsh environment.
- For those desperately clinging to life and for their loved ones.
- That aid would not be diverted to the military.
- For effective international access to those areas where ' classes' reside, which are
deliberately cut off from food by the regime.
- For those ministering aid in the country.
- For the North Koreans in hiding along the border areas, for their protection as they seek
food and shelter and as they come into contact with Christianity, usually for the first time.
- For North Korean women who arrive in China terribly vulnerable to being sold as brides and
subjected to appalling sexual, physical and emotional abuse.
- For refugees who become Christians, that they would grow in their faith and be protected.
- For those forcibly returned to North Korea from China, especially those who have become
Christians who face very severe torture and likely execution if their faith is discovered.
- For protection, wisdom and guidance for all those helping North Koreans.
- For those who have been arrested and detained in China and those abducted from China to
North Korea because of their efforts to help North Koreans.
- For solutions to be found so that North Koreans can reach freedom and safety.
Resource produced by Christian Solidarity Worldwide UK
W: www.csw.org.uk E: admin@csw.org.uk T: +44 (0) 20 8942 8810