Make Immigration Easier and Illegal Immigration Difficult
This image by Jay D. Dyson can be seen here
It wont take someone reading this blog long to know my position on illegal immigration. While I am absolutely against illegal entry and support efforts to seal our borders against it, I feel just as strongly that the process of admitting people legally is much too difficult. The Washington Times has an article today that highlights the problems of people who want to come here to become Americans but find the process to be daunting at best.
The patriotism of people I have known who were naturalized citizens is remarkable. They put to shame many of the descendants of families that have been here for 150 years. To facilitate the inclusion of people such as these needs to be streamlined. First though we must establish sovereignty over our borders and respect for our laws. This precludes any form of amnesty.
The problem we have with Mexico is dire. There is an active participation by the Mexican Government to move as many Mexicans into the US as possible. There are two reasons for this. The Mexican economy is dependent on the flow of currency from the US by their citizens living here. Second and most critical to recognize is an effort to colonize the Southwest which they wish to return to Mexican sovereignty. If our government cannot deal with this situation except by waving the white flag a day will come when the crisis will be too large to handle peacefully.
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