Once More Into the Breach

Finding Nonsense and Beating it Sensible

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I used to watch TV news and yell at the box. Now I jump up from the couch, sit at the computer and begin to type laughing maniacally saying "Wait until they read this." It's more fun than squashing tadpoles

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Mandatory Abortion Proposed in Holland

Marianne van den Anker

A Dutch official lamenting the high risk that children of certain people face suggests they're future children would be better off dead.

A health official in the Netherlands has called for a debate on the idea of forced abortion and contraception to deal with what she sees as a crisis of unwanted children.

Alderman Marianne van den Anker of the Leefbaar Rotterdam Party wants specifically to target communities of Antilleans and Arubans where she sees the biggest problems of unwanted children.

In an interview in a newspaper Saturday, she said she had tried everything to prevent child abuse.

"I fail, I fail," she told the interviewer as she outlined her controversial idea for a debate on compulsory abortion and contraception.

The target groups for her program are Antillean teenage mothers; drug addicts and people with mental handicaps, she said, according to a report in Expatica.

According to the report, Van den Anker said children from these groups run an "unacceptable risk" of growing up without love and with "violence, neglect, mistreatment and sexual abuse."
emphesis mine

It seems Alderman Marianne van den Anker feels that certain people just can't get with the program. Maybe they're just too stupid or uncivilized. Maybe they're just untermenschen.

Having tried everything and failed just doesn't seem to logically lead to killing the ones who one can't help. One also wonders what "everything" entails. Holland is a socialist country. Child care is paid for by the state and employers. Income is supplemented, medical care is provided for. One thing that may not have been tried is not subsidizing having children and unemployed adults.

A simple rule that socialists ignore is you get what you pay for. You pay people to have children you get more children. You pay for people not to work, you get more unemployed. Having doled out all the benefits and attracted immigrants with the largess the state can't now complain that they have to care for all the problems that came with it. The state made itself the parent so the parents have transferred their reasonability to the raising of their children to it. Now the state is overwhelmed by the problems and one of its officials suggests it's time to seek a final solution.

Open Trackback at Rigth Wing nation and Stop the ACLU


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is my 'modest proposal'. Since SOME of the children of the target classes won't be abused, lets just wait till they are born, then if we find out they are being abused, or aren't properly 'loved', kill them then! That way, we can prevent any further abuse!

--Sarcasm off--

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>... drug addicts and people with mental handicaps....<<

Didnt the Germans try something like this a few years back?

>>According to the report, Van den Anker said children from these groups run an "unacceptable risk" of growing up without love and with "violence, neglect, mistreatment and sexual abuse."<<

Yep, killing them would solve those problems by providing an inexpensive and guilt free solution. What a great idea, some Gov't functionary gets to decide if you live of die depending on who your *parents* are.

Next thing they'll want to limit procreation to a selected few. Or maybe you could buy a "Baby" stamp like a "Duck" stamp in order to participate in the activity - the tax could even be prorated, you know so much for Brown eyes, a bit more for Blue eyes, etc etc.

Thank God I was born an American.

12:56 PM  
Blogger Xyba said...

It's a brave new world. Egh?

One of the problems with socialism is that it only sustains itself when the population is declining. Everyone who is not productive line up for your cyanide pie.

2:23 PM  

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