Gov. Kaine's Response to the State of the Union Address:

Gov. Kaine gave the rebuttal to the State of the Union speech last night. Most of it is Democrat sloganeering, platitudes without specifics.
The federal government should serve the American people. But that mission is frustrated by this administration's poor choices and bad management. Families in the Gulf Coast see that as they wait to rebuild their lives. Americans who lose their jobs see that as they look to rebuild their careers. And our soldiers in Iraq see that as they try to rebuild a nation
Maybe he hasn't noticed that our unemployment rate is below 5%. What possibly could be the problem here?
As Americans, we do great things when we work together. Some of our leaders in Washington seem to have forgotten that
Oh yeah the Democrats.
In Virginia -- and other states -- we're moving ahead by focusing on service, competent management and results. It's all about bringing people together to find common-sense solutions to our common problems. That's how Virginia earned the ranking of America's "Best Managed State."
I guess raising taxes when there is a surplus qualifies as well managed.
Congressional Democrats have a plan to educate 100,000 new engineers, scientists and mathematicians in the next four years.
Remember the 100,00 new cops on the beat from the Clinton era. Well now we'll have 100,000 scientists and mathematicians that no one can find. Besides who thinks Congress knows how many of any profession is required? Why not 96.043 new , scientists and mathematicians. They just make this stuff up and think it means something.
Many states, following the lead of Illinois, have set up simple ways to help our seniors purchase safe, American-made prescription drugs from other countries at a fraction of the price they would pay here. The administration actually fought against that Democratic effort!.
Yes, and so do the Canadians. The government of Canada doesn't want to subsidize our health care system, they can't pay for their own.
There's a better way. Last summer, I joined Democrats in Washington and in other states in calling on oil companies to share in our sacrifice and return some of their record-breaking excess profit.
Running headlong into the Carter economic plan. Windfall profits tax by any other name is still a stupid idea.
The failure of the federal government to implement and enforce a rational immigration policy has resulted in a confusing patchwork of state and local efforts. We should welcome those who seek to lawfully join and contribute to our American family. At the same time, we must ensure that our homeland defense efforts begin with consistent federal action to protect our borders.
This is where I have to agree 100%. Why there is any confusion about Illegal immigration with the administration is beyond me.
It's about measuring what we do in terms of real results for real people. It's not about partisanship or political spin. It's about protecting the rights endowed by our Creator; fulfilling the principle of equality set out in our Declaration of Independence; ensuring that the light of liberty shines on every American.
I'm not holding my breath on this one. The Dems are so consumed by their hatred of the president their only actin is to stand in the way of any proposal so all we have here is the kettle calling the pot black.
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